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So get this: Drew was making waves in football —Princeton scouting camps, representing his country, IMG Academy, opportunities in Europe, the whole nine yards. But right when university’s at his doorstep, he walks away. Not just from a scholarship. From FOOTBALL. Period. Why? Imagine living and breathing something for YEARS, then waking up and asking yourself, "Who am I without football?" And he had no clue. Instead of shoving it under the rug, Drew leaned into it. He got it: being great isn't just about what you do; it's about who you are. Bottom line? Always chase your dreams. But never forget to ask: who’s the person behind the dream? Who’s path are you travelling on?


To put it mildly, Drew was not feeling it at all. It's not that the stuff was too hard or anything; it just felt like a complete waste of time, like... fluff, you know? So, he gathers his courage and goes to his teacher, asking point-blank, "Where's the real-world application for all this stuff?" The answer he got? "It's not about applying it to life; it's about fulfilling an obligation.” WOW! So Drew thinks, "Fine, I'll just scrape by and do the minimum to pass." Now, he'll tell you that wasn't the best move, but at the time, he felt stuck in a system that seemed pointless. It was a tough pill to swallow, but the silver lining? He found things that actually lit his fire, things that felt real and meaningful, things that he felt really mattered — outside of the classroom.


Drew dove into the world of sports performance at 18. And for five whole years, he was crushing it, helping athletes level up and fine-tune their physical game. Sounds like the dream job, doesn't it? But here's the thing—something was off. He loved the work, but there was this itch, this void. That nagging voice in the back of your head saying, "Is this it?". He was passionate, sure, but it wasn’t hitting the soul. That's definitely a challenging and frustrating place to be in, especially because he couldn't pinpoint what was missing. All Drew knew was that he was meant to serve on a broader scale and create greater impact.

Things Have Changed A Lot For Him Since Then And He Is Always Evolving…





You know how they say everything can change in the blink of an eye? For Drew, that's not just a saying—it's real. One moment he's talking to his brother, figuring out what they're gonna do that night, and the next, his world shatters with the reality of his brother's passing. Now, some people would call that his "defining moment," but Drew's perspective is different. He believes life is made up of these 'moments of impact,' and we get to decide how we define them, not the other way around. But figuring that out was a rollercoaster. Drew was up against depression, anxiety, PTSD—he faced it all. Yet in the thick of trying to heal, he gets this incredible opportunity to work with a high-performance academy in Spain. And guess what nudged him to take it? A memory of his brother saying, "Life’s full of purpose; there's no such thing as a coincidence." That's when it hit Drew: we're all just wasting our time overthinking this whole thing called life when we could be out there living it.



He was in the sports mecca of the world, working with some of the best athletes and coaches this world has to offer - a dream come true. But Spain quickly transformed into his own personal "Journey to the Centre of the Soul" or something like that. The guy goes deep—like, Shamanic healing deep, dabbling in psychology, breath-work, and meditation. And just when you think he's going to chill, a mentor steps in and says, "Hey, ever heard of mental performance coaching?" Drew didn’t just dip his toe in; he dove into the deep end, soaking up everything about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and High-Performance Psychology. Then—it all clicks. It wasn’t just about finding his jam; the guy found his entire Spotify playlist. But here's the real mic drop: This whole Spain thing? It wasn’t just about where he was or what he learnt. It was this major life epiphany that when those 'moments of impact' hit you, you don't aim for a replay of your old life. That version of you is history. You use those moments to level up and rebuild.


He stumbled across a new mentor during a breath-work session. They hit it off immediately and their connection was profound, as if they'd known each other their whole lives. But life threw another curveball just a few months later when Drew received the heartbreaking news of his mentor's passing. It's honestly astonishing how Drew navigated through this without becoming bitter about life. Moments like this usually lead people down a destrucitve path, but not Drew. One of the last pieces of advice Drew received from his mentor was truly impactful: "Trust yourself moving forward, you are more powerful than you realise and you're destined to make significant changes in the world. Lead by example and be the medicine." Drew believes that sometimes, a person comes into your life at just the right moment, to redirect you towards your destiny – his mentor was one of those rare individuals. The truth is, we all have a goldmine of immense, untapped potential. The key? Having the courage to dig it up.

Drew has this way of putting things into perspective. He believes that before you can truly guide or inspire anyone, you have to face your own fires head-on and walk the path first. Drew’s always been the type to dive into uncharted waters. Not for the thrill, but because each obstacle he navigates becomes a lesson he can share, clearing the path for the rest of us. And every decision, every adversity he faces, he's guided by this core belief: “My journey isn’t about me; it’s about humanity." He’s always thinking bigger, beyond himself.


Alright, so you think you know the full story because you've heard about Drew, but trust me, you don’t. You have to meet the other half of this dynamic duo: Brady, Drew's brother. His story? It’s nothing short of a rollercoaster.

Brady was born with this heart condition, right? A literal hole in his heart. Now, for many of us, we'd probably live in a bubble of fear. But Brady? He was fearless from day one. When it came time for his surgery, instead of trembling in his boots, he cheekily challenged his doctor, saying, "I bet you won’t be able to put me to sleep". Classic Brady. He had this zest for life, living each moment like it was golden.

Now, I hear this sort of thing runs in their genes because Brady, like his brother, wasn’t too impressed with school either. For him, it wasn’t challenging enough. Result? A bit of a rebel streak. But here's the thing, it wasn't just teenage rebellion. Everything he did, every step he took, it was all because he wanted...more. More understanding, more insight, more growth - for himself and everyone around him. This guy had adventures, from studying in Amsterdam and then deciding it wasn't for him, living in Cuba for a year, diving in Honduras, mastering transcendental meditation, and even starting a few businesses. And through all these experiences, one thing became clear to him: help as many people as possible to level up, grow, and transform.

Have you ever met someone who just changes the vibe of a room the minute they walk in? That was Brady. He had this intense energy about him. People said you either adored him or couldn’t stand him, no middle ground. Why? Because Brady himself never settled for middle ground. He was all or nothing.

The essence of his story? Trust. He had this unwavering trust - in himself, in others, in nature, and in a greater power. Some might think, "Isn't that a bit naive?" But for Brady, trust wasn't a weakness, it was his superpower. It's like choosing a side of the coin to bet on: trust everything or trust nothing. Both have their risks, but only one lets you truly soar.

You know, a lot of us aim for this "smoothe sailing life." But Brady would laugh and tell you that’s a fool’s errand. Because, according to him, life’s beauty is in the mistakes, the ups and downs. And as for living outside of the box? Well, that's where life really happens, and where we should all be. So, here's to Brady and the lessons he left us with!

“I refuse to sit and watch anyone play small. Too many are drowning in mediocrity, blind to their own limitless potential. We're not here to just exist and survive. Every time we settle for less, we're letting the greatness within us wither away. It's a slap in the face to our capabilities, our ambitions, and the very essence of who we are. It’s time to hit the reset button on what we've accepted as "the norm". We're here to shake things up, to make a mark, to tell a story that generations will talk about! I see life as a movie and it’s up to us to create something worth watching. I’ve made my choice and what I'm creating will be nothing short of legendary.”

— Richard Brady Pitcher

25/10/1995 - 08/05/2020

And Guess What?

People were so quick to doubt and bet against Brady and Drew because they were carving out their own path - a path no one else could see. But here's the thing: they always saw the bigger picture. Even when people didn’t get it, they just shrugged it off because it wasn’t about proving others wrong or even right. It was about their bond. They had an unspoken bond and got each other in a way most couldn't fathom. As long as they had each other's backs, nothing else really mattered.

Now, these brothers? Pure Jamaican blood. Their culture, their family roots – that’s their real magic sauce. They were those kids who'd look life in the eye and say, “Challenge accepted.” From the get-go, they had this attitude of, "Impossible? That’s not in our dictionary!" They deeply believed that with the right mix of tools and some genuine support, anyone could tap into their limitless potential. So, they envisioned a brand that wasn’t just a brand, but a guide, pushing everyone to not just survive life, but to evolve and soar, even against all odds.

They had this spark, this vibe, that just made them stand out. Everywhere they went, someone would point out, "You two are something else.” After a lot of soul-searching, they started to pin point what exactly made them, well, them. After Brady passed, Drew set out on this heartfelt quest to put all the pieces together, to bring their vision to life and then, it hit him: Distinct Nation Alchemy (get it? DNA). But this wasn't just about them, it was bigger. It was about a whole tribe of legends, or as Drew would put it: Mavericks.

| Distinct: Excellence that stands-out | Nation: A family of mavericks | Alchemy: The art of evolution |

Drew's journey through all of this gave him some real deep insights. He realised that the power duo of him and Brady? It was far from over. Even though they’re now in different worlds, he feels their combined energy is even more unstoppable. It’s like they're breaking barriers in ways no one ever imagined. It's not just about looking back; it's about propelling forward.

At its heart, this brand is more than just a label. It's a beacon. It's a tribute to resilience, to the wonder of life's twists and turns, and to our boundless spirit. It’s a nudge, reminding us all that we hold within us the power to evolve, shine, and truly make a mark.

This not only honours and celebrates the legacy and memory of my brother, but also serves as inspiration and a call to action for everyone to embrace their distinctive qualities, unleash their limitless potential and aspire to their highest selves.

— Drew Xavier Pitcher